We set out on the tour early in the morning with a full busload of tourists (39) mainly from USA and Australia but also including a couple from Wales. a mother and daughter from Singapore, a widow from Sri Lanka, a couple from New Zealand and an Englishwoman. On the first day we crossed Ireland from east (Dublin) to west (Galway) stopping at the picturesque village of Moate in central Ireland for a break; later crossing the Shannon River at Athlone. We saw lots of farms and bog country. There was some peat mining in central Ireland and turf mining nearer to Galway (both used for heating). At Galway we wandered the old town to do some shopping and to have lunch. That evening most of us attended at
Dungaire Castle (actually a fully restored tower)(pictured) south of Galway where we had a good meal and were very well entertained by two singer/actors accompanied by an excellent harpist (pictured).
love the harpist....